Creating a portfolio

  1. 1
    Pick your best pieces of work. Avoid including everything you have ever created. Instead, pick the pieces you are most proud of. These pieces should demonstrate your abilities and showcase your confidence in your work.[11]
    • Include self-initiated work, as well as work you have done for specific clients.
  2. 2
    Include a variety of examples. Pick pieces that showcase your range of skills. Include pieces that showcase your typography, web design, and logo design skills, for example.[12]
    • Pick pieces that demonstrate that you have worked for a variety of clients as well.
  3. 3
    Contextualize your work. For each piece of work, write one to two paragraphs explaining the client’s goals and how your design met those goals. Talk about your inspiration for the design and your creative process. Additionally, make sure to include any information about the success of your design. Type the information up in a Word document.[13]
    • For example, mention that the client was pleased with your work and contracted you to do more, or talk about how your design increased sales activity for your client.
  4. 4
    List any additional work skills. Create a resume page in your portfolio showcasing your skills, as well as your relevant work experience. This could be the first or last page in your portfolio, depending on how you organize it. Make sure to note your ability to meet deadlines, communicate effectively, work with team members, and other important job skills.[14]
    • Make sure to list any degrees or certificates that you have on this page as well.
  5. 5
    Create a website for your work. Use a hosted portfolio or a hosted business website like Carbonmade, Dunked, WordPress, Weebly, SquareSpace, or Portfolio Box to create a website for your work. Alternatively, use a self-hosted website. If you are starting out, use a hosted-portfolio site to build your website. This way you don't have to deal with building your website from the ground up.[15]
    • A website showcasing your best work is a great way to make browsing your work simple and engaging.
